Saturday, June 26, 2010

The big show day 2

Off to the Honda motorsports dealer for a get together. Later on back to Bully's for some more surprises. Supposed to e a huge turnout today.....later

About a hundred bikes or so headed out to Fredericksburg powersports. Everyone in the group got a 25% discount on parts and accessories, not too shabby

I picked up a pair of shades and my long missing side cover grommet

 After a police escort back to Bully's, there had been a huge surprise in the making for the last few months

 After the usual "thanks for coming " speech, Cyberhick grabbed the mike and let Bully know what was going on the last few months with his bike ( which he thought was hidden so he would'nt mess up his recent surgery from dumping the bike). A lot of lying and stalling was finally at an end.
A little backround... The bike was taken to an airplane hanger, stripped down.Brian of BD's cycle  had started the project by offering to paint the bike for free to give back to Bully for all he put out over the years putting the Gatherings together. Hick arranged for a new Woody's fairing, which was also supplied free and ahead of schedule. The great people of the VTXOA were donating funds for a project unseen and had no idea what was being done

A lot of other vendors pitched in with reduced price goodies and VTXOA members pitched in supplying missing parts
 So getting back to the story, after the bike was finally done it was time for some pics

So, now was the day to deliver and I won't mention what happened along the way. The bike was given to an emotional and speechless Bully with a warning not to do any electrical on it (another story)
 Lunch was served and more  door prizes handed out

 I did't want to do any chain BBQ, but it's a little slim around here

Red, Hot and Blue- oops! out of business
VA BBQ- oops! out of business
Allmans- Ok, so I go bacb and get myself the pulled pork sandwich

 Buried it in Allmans sauce,... Mmmm

And of course the friendly staff

Taste- A+
Value- A+
Appearance- A
Atmosphere= A+

Back to Bully's for some more giveaways
and one more surprise

 LEDS were added to the bike during the rebuild. A custom paint job, chrome wheel exchange and 6* trees were given away as the grand prize. All in all a great time!

Tomorrow travel day to Lexington Kentucky enroute to the Coloradical

 Mileage 82417

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