Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bamafest- Saturday

After two days of camping and two days of not so hot showers and water pressure like standing under a sprinkler and the dust, I'm going to the Econolodge for a real shower. A lot of the bikes went on a poker run and since I blew a fork seal I opted out. The Econolodge is letting me use their hose to wash down the bike

After a long shower and a nap, I headed out to the bike and I run into a guy lokking at one of the bikes and he tells me of a BBQ joint right next door and he put the ribs in this morning. I can't believe I drove by thiis place like 6 times

I had the combo platter. 3 ribs and pulled pork, Hickory smoked, but a little salty. sauce Carolina type but not as good, motif is southern sports bar themed as you can tell  by the hunting and fishing items


Those are outboard motords hanging
over the door


Back to the Bamafest
Tonight was more of the same.
More music

More dancing


More contests (nipple size)

Well, that's Bamafest . People were friendly, the site is huge, but way too dusty,  I like Roscoes better
(he has chili)

Tomorrow Valdosta Georgia

MILEAGE- 86597

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