Saturday, July 10, 2010


Sunrise from my tent

Starting to fill up for the weekend. A lot of RV's and people eunning aroung in quads and golf carts

Today there were games
Mpre mosic and of course more dancong

Young amd old
And at the end of her performance, Jasmine Caine
 decided to leap into the crowd

                       MR G'S BBQ   
OK, so it's really Mr G's pizza, but hey the sign also says BBQ right? So, the have a special on bbq wings..OK I'll bite. Deep fri, not much in the way of BBQ in thisa town or the nectd tiny wings with bbq sauce you had to look for. Shoul've gone to KFC


As you can see  , there's not much in thet way of BBQ in this town or the next, When I was driving through Arkansas all I smelled along I-40 was BBQ. Oh well

1 comment:

  1. BBQ in Arkansas is great. Our location lends itself to a mix of Memphis, Texas and Kansas City styles. We have beef, pork and poultry and all types of sauces. Some like it sweet, some like it hot while others like the vinegar base. You'll taste it all here.
    Come on back some time. You can ride the Ozarks and try some different BBQ.
